Sunday, January 31, 2010

Aren't they cute?

Kenai and his good friend Bruce after a nice walk this morning (taken by Bruce's mom, Marcia).

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's All Good

I'm up too early on a Sunday! I'm too excited about the trip to Vegas today to sleep in (mind you, sleeping in for me is waking up any time after 6 a.m.). I just don't know what to expect!

Training for the Seattle Marathon officially started yesterday. We had our first team clinic and walk. My enthusiasm had been a bit on the wane but after the kick-off party on Wednesday night and the walk yesterday, I'm excited for this event once again. Whew! It would've been a long season if that hadn't changed.

And, there's still time to join me!

We met at the Grand Avenue location of Portland Running and Walking. Dave and Paula have been great supporters of LLS and are just nice people. Five years ago I was sitting in those seats, apprehensive about what I'd gotten myself into but determined to see it through. And I did and now I'm on my 9th marathon with no end in sight.

Looking around the room and seeing the optimism and determination of each person there is always inspiring. I can't help but wonder which ones will end up not completing the season since everyone is so excited to start and make some positive changes in their life and in the lives of others. I hope the odds are in our favor that everyone finishes.

Finished filling out the FAFSA form at 11:00 p.m. last night. It required that I get my taxes done sooner rather than later this year. I owe small amounts to the Feds and State. :( Guess I better make some changes to my W-4s when I get back. I also have to fill out the PROFILE form but that's going to have to wait until I get back from Vegas, too. I just can't think about numbers any more this weekend!

Marie was accepted to Willamette! I am very excited for her even if it's not her first choice. It's just good to know that you have options. She also received a $10k merit scholarship that is renewable for all four years as long as she remains a full time student with a 2.5 GPA. I don't think that will be a problem for her! (I would LOVE it if she went there and I think she'd really like it and it's close to home, but I'm not going to pressure her into it.) Let's just hope we get good financial aid wherever she chooses to go.

Time to start packing. I usually over pack (who doesn't) so I'm trying to be very thoughtful about what I take. The hardest part is the shoes. I want to be ready for anything, but I don't want to take a big suitcase. Sigh. It's only 4 days, I think I can manage with just a couple of pairs, but it is soooo hard!

As I told my friend Stacy, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and something better happen in Vegas! ;-)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Where is Star Park's Customer Service?

I am a monthly parker with Star Park (they also manage the Smart Park lots for the City of Portland). I use their Metro lot because it’s just a couple of blocks from my office and it’s covered. I can tell you without reservation that Star Park sucks at customer relations.

Back in December (why does it sound so long ago?), Star Park notified us that the garage needed to be closed immediately due to some vague ‘structural’ issues. Only those monthly parkers who work for the State of Oregon or Metro would be allowed to use the garage and they would park on the 4th level.

The rest of us were initially redirected to park in a different, outdoor lot 4 blocks from my office – not a significant difference but now my car is exposed to the elements each day and I’m paying the same amount of money.

On December 17th, I had been instructed to park at a lot even farther from my office. In the summer time this wouldn’t be such an issue but in the winter, it is. BTW, none of my co-workers who also parked at Metro received the letter I did. They got something else. HUH?

Our offices were closed for the holidays so I didn’t need to park for two weeks. Ever the optimist, I drove to the garage hoping against hope that it would be re-opened. No such luck.

Since December 17th I have heard NOTHING from Star Park. None of my colleagues who used the lot have heard ANYTHING from Star Park. The five of us we have called and emailed with NO RESULTS. One friend was told that a letter was sent to all monthly parkers on 1/4 but none of us has received it.

I have checked Star Park’s website and there is NOTHING on it. We are at a loss on where to turn to get information.

I can see the lot from my window at work and there is NOTHING being done to the garage. They could at least post a notice at the attendant’s booth with information on the status.

I completely understand that this situation was out of their control. But what IS in their control is the message they send to the people who care about it. They have alienated everyone that I know that parked there (I'm sure there are others, too). They might not get us back as customers if they do re-open the garage.

I may re-think parking at any of the Smart Park lots, too. I am hesitant to support a company that ignores its customers.

UPDATE: I finally received a letter from Reed Wagner, METRO Interim Director of Parks and Environmental Services, dated January 8. All monthly parkers can park on levels 3 and 4 beginning Tuesday, January 12. Daily parkers will continue to use off-site lots.

While I am appreciative of finally receiving some information, it does not absolve either Metro or Star Park from their poor customer service. I will correspond with Mr. Wagner to let him know my displeasure. I'm usually one to 'move on' and put these things behind me, but in this case I feel very strongly that they need to understand how poorly they handled this situation. And it didn't have to be that way.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

He's one happy Dog

A few photos of my favorite pooch!