Thursday, January 29, 2009

Slowly but Surely?

Whoo hoo! I have two followers! Of course, one is my daughter Claire and the other is her friend Shelby, but at least I’m writing this for someone now!! Although they both need to be careful as they may become subjects in some of these posts. They are certainly amusing enough at times.

Oh my gosh! My friend Janet sent this to me: It gave me chills! Powerful.

Monday, January 26, 2009

They Say It's Your Birthday

Today is my birthday and Chinese New Year – the Year of the Ox. I was born in the year of the Pig – because my birthday was before the New Year in 1960 which was January 28 that year – not the year of the Rat as I mistakenly believed for most of my life! Apparently it’s a little more complicated than I thought:

“The first day of the animal year is different from the Chinese New Year Day. The animal year starts on the first day of the Tiger month. Tiger month begins from the day when Sun enters ecliptic 315 degree position, which is around February 4 Gregorian calendar. That means the animal month is solar month, not lunar month. This is why many people who born in January or February confuse about their animal sign of birth year. To verify the exact animal sign of birth year goes to use the free online Chinese Astrological Animal Sign page.” (

I’m taking the girls out to dinner for Chinese food tonight. I’m really looking forward to it.

It’s odd having a birthday in January. On the one hand, it was always cool because if I didn’t get something for Christmas, there was a good chance I would get it for my birthday. On the other hand, all the fun happens in a short period of time and there’s a long time between events. Plus, people are a little burnt out from the holidays so another celebration is not always on their minds. I’ve found that if I want recognition, I have to make sure people remember. Another odd thing is that I know more people with birthdays in January than any other month – by a lot. I wonder why that is. Next year is the big 5-0 so I’m already prepping my friends that I’m expecting a party or some other event to celebrate.

Sooo, I watched the Miss America pageant Saturday night. I haven’t watched it in a few years and I knew they’d made some changes to try to ‘revitalize’ it, but I’m not sure they’ve succeeded. My mom and I used to watch it faithfully every September as I was growing up. I was always excited to see it. I especially liked to see ALL the contestants in their evening gowns. I remember one year Miss Oregon had a gown made with chicken feathers that were dyed yellow (at least that’s how I remember it). I don’t remember if they all did the swimsuit competition. But I missed seeing all the contestants have more opportunity to strut their stuff. I realize that they are also trying to keep the show two hours instead of the 3 hours I remember it being. But it just didn’t do it for me. And what is with the elimination process? We go from 15 to 12 but then only 10 do their talent. What is the purpose of having two get ready to perform only to end up sitting on the bench? Seems cruel to me. I was also disappointed that none of the 10 played the piano or some other instrument. I remember some wonderful performances. Same with the final seven with two left with nothing. I admit I fell asleep so I don’t know how they even went from 10 to seven but what’s wrong with going from 15 to 10 to 5? I did like that they used the recorded Bert Parks version of “There She Is, Miss America” (even though they did unceremoniously dump him years ago. I think that was the start of the decline of the pageant). So, even though Mario Lopez is cute as a button (whatever that means), I don’t think I’ll put any effort into watching it again.

My obsession with crocheting dishcloths continues. I made two more today! They don’t take long to make but I’m not sure what I’m going to do with all of them. I think that when I use up all the yarn, I’ll be done. Then Michael’s or Jo-Ann Fabrics has a sale and I buy more yarn and it continues to spiral out of control! But I have considered moving onto socks. I saw a book of patterns at Michael’s and a woman who was shopping told me how much fun they are to make. So beware that if you’re a good friend, you may be getting socks for Christmas this year!!

Walked 12 miles with friends on Saturday. We have so much fun with each other. We just genuinely like each other and enjoy one another’s company. You can learn a lot about someone when you walk with them for 2-3 hours each week. We all bring different perspectives yet we always have so much in common. We’re pretty good at keeping one another honest. It’s nice to have friends who’ll tell you like it is. I am so thankful to have them in my life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's a Brand New Day

And I'm likin' it! What a joyful time in America. I am so hopeful for this new administration.

I'm so glad the negativity and divisiveness that has been in place for the past 8 years is behind us. I want people to realize that we are all in this together and it's time to stop pointing fingers at others and start pointing them at ourselves. We are the solution. If we're not willing to help fix this mess, we have no right to complain.

Enough of that. It's a clear, cold, sunny day in Portland. Because it was so windy the last two mornings, I did not take the dog for a walk. This morning I felt I had to make it up to him so we were gone for a little longer than usual. He seemed satisfied with that! It was pretty cold when we started but I warmed up right good as we walked the neighborhood. We love it that Oleson has sidewalks from Garden Home to Hall. It has increased the variety of our routes. Thanks Washington County!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Before Hope Returns

Cardinals beat the Eagles. I was leaning toward Arizona but would have been fine if the Eagles had won. My friend Marcia will be happy – she’s a Cardinals fan but couldn’t watch the whole game because she had a play to go see! It was a good game and exciting to the very end.

Steelers beat the Ravens. No all Pennsylvania Super Bowl this year. I wanted the Steelers so I’m happy. But that hit to Willis McGahee was brutal. Another reason I’m happy I have girls – I never have to worry about them playing football and getting hurt. I like to watch football, but sometimes I have a hard time with the whole concept.

What am I going to do when Football is over? I have enjoyed watching games on Sunday – it gives me an excuse not to do stuff and it gives me time to crochet. I don’t know how many dishcloths, scarves and hats I’ve made this season. It’s become a bit of an obsession because it takes me about an hour to make a dishcloth or a hat. Scarves take longer but I have made one in an afternoon. I also get the laundry done and it fits in quite nicely when it’s a no-drive Sunday. Maybe I’ll start reading more.

Kenai has been going in and out and in and out today. It’s really annoying when he goes out then stands there and wants right back in. I think he wants one of us to come out and play with him but when I do, he doesn’t really want to play. Sheesh. If he wasn’t so darn cute…

Funnest? The iPod is the funnest? Did anyone tell Apple that funnest is NOT a word? It drives me crazy when people say funner or funnest. It’s WRONG I tell you, WRONG.

I am so excited about the inauguration! I happen to have the day off so I will be able to watch the ceremony live. I have great hope for this administration – I hope I’m not let down. Although I feel like anything will have to be better than the last eight years. At least I won’t have to avoid listening to Bush talk any more. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. His gaffs are not charming and his inability to inspire is just too disheartening. Here's to better times ahead!

Make sure you check out my friend Dana’s blog - The Sundance Outsider – she’s at Sundance and is writing reviews of the movies she and her friends have seen. They’re well-written and thoughtful. Shawn Levy, the local film critic, is even going to take some of her posts and use them in his column.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Why did I start this blog?

Simple answer - see subhead to blog title. I always have thoughts screaming around in my head and I finally succumbed to the idea of sharing them with others. This may or may not be a successful experiment, but I'll give it a whirl.

I also started it because I'm getting behind in emails and people seem to want to know the same thing - what have I been up to. And I usually give a lame answer because I don't think I've done anything. UNTIL I really start to talk and then I realize I have been doing stuff. Now, it may not be interesting stuff and it probably isn't going to change the world, but it is what I've done. I think I'll probably have to do some historical posts - catch everyone up, so to speak. So, as they say, stay tuned to see what this develops into.


It's a Green Coat Day

The temperature is low enough and the skies are clear enough to wear the 'infamous' green coat. If you haven't seen it, it's hard to adequately convey the look and feel. Because feel is important in this case. It is lime green fake fur in a leopard print pattern. Sounds hideous, doesn't it? But it's not and people always want to touch it. Then, besides having the right weather conditions, I have to be in the right frame of mind to wear the coat. It attracts attention so it's not something I wear when I want to be inconspicuous! My younger daughter covets it but she's going to have to wait until I'm just too old to get away with wearing it (which some people may say has already happened, but I don't think so and I make the decision).