Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Before Hope Returns

Cardinals beat the Eagles. I was leaning toward Arizona but would have been fine if the Eagles had won. My friend Marcia will be happy – she’s a Cardinals fan but couldn’t watch the whole game because she had a play to go see! It was a good game and exciting to the very end.

Steelers beat the Ravens. No all Pennsylvania Super Bowl this year. I wanted the Steelers so I’m happy. But that hit to Willis McGahee was brutal. Another reason I’m happy I have girls – I never have to worry about them playing football and getting hurt. I like to watch football, but sometimes I have a hard time with the whole concept.

What am I going to do when Football is over? I have enjoyed watching games on Sunday – it gives me an excuse not to do stuff and it gives me time to crochet. I don’t know how many dishcloths, scarves and hats I’ve made this season. It’s become a bit of an obsession because it takes me about an hour to make a dishcloth or a hat. Scarves take longer but I have made one in an afternoon. I also get the laundry done and it fits in quite nicely when it’s a no-drive Sunday. Maybe I’ll start reading more.

Kenai has been going in and out and in and out today. It’s really annoying when he goes out then stands there and wants right back in. I think he wants one of us to come out and play with him but when I do, he doesn’t really want to play. Sheesh. If he wasn’t so darn cute…

Funnest? The iPod is the funnest? Did anyone tell Apple that funnest is NOT a word? It drives me crazy when people say funner or funnest. It’s WRONG I tell you, WRONG.

I am so excited about the inauguration! I happen to have the day off so I will be able to watch the ceremony live. I have great hope for this administration – I hope I’m not let down. Although I feel like anything will have to be better than the last eight years. At least I won’t have to avoid listening to Bush talk any more. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. His gaffs are not charming and his inability to inspire is just too disheartening. Here's to better times ahead!

Make sure you check out my friend Dana’s blog - The Sundance Outsider – she’s at Sundance and is writing reviews of the movies she and her friends have seen. They’re well-written and thoughtful. Shawn Levy, the local film critic, is even going to take some of her posts and use them in his column.

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