Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I fought the pavement and the pavement won.

My hands look like I was in a fist fight.

And I suppose I was - with the pavement. The pavement won.

Yesterday was a beautiful day, I had just left work and was walking to the car along my usual route. I was thinking about going home and finishing cleaning out my dryer vent when all of the sudden, oomph, I was on the ground. I haven't fallen in a very long time so I was very surprised! It seems a little surreal now, but as I was going down, I saw my shoe fly over my head and then I was on the ground. Stunned, I first had to catch my breath and then figure out what had just happened. I looked back and sure enough, the pavement was uneven right where I went down.

I did the 'body check' - everything moved (everything hurt) and nothing seemed broken. I looked around and located my shoe - about ten feet in front of me in the bushes. I picked myself up, looked around again to see if there was anyone around who would help me - not a soul in sight. I didn't even care if someone had seen me fall. I wanted sympathy from anyone.

I retrieved my shoe, put it on and did an inventory of my injuries: left hand - two fingers with skin removed, three little scratches on the back of the hand and a larger scrape at my wrist. Right hand - large, about the size of a nickel, scrape on the heel of my hand (with skin intact and hanging off - somehow I managed to pull a large piece off - eww), ring finger and pinkie scraped and bloody, several scrapes and scratches on the back of the hand. Left knee - small scrape but it hurts to bend and go up and down stairs. Right knee - large scrape that stings a lot. Right shoulder - large scrape and sore. No blood, at least. I do expect some additional bruises to show up.

I made it to my car where I do have a half-assed first aid kit (I will be replenishing it tonight). Fortunately there were some antiseptic wipes and a few bandaids that I could use on my fingers. The knees would just have to wait until I got home. I just hoped I wasn't bleeding into my shoes!

I was a bit shaky but I made it home ok. My right hand really hurt and it was hard to get comfortable. Once I got home, I cleaned my knees, put on bandaids, put on my jammies and took some aspirin. It was tough going up and down stairs. It didn't help that the dog thought my funny gait was a game and that it would be fun for him to run up and down the stairs as I climbed them.

This morning I did take the dog for a walk. I'm going to keep moving today - it seems to help. I changed the bandaids and washed the wounds again but oh how it hurt. I noticed today that my car key fob is also scraped up! I forgot I had my keys in my hand while I was walking.

Today is another beautiful day. I will continue to keep my head up but I will be checking the sidewalk a little more often. I don't want to fall again any time soon!

1 comment:

Claire said...

I've been there...ouch.
And by there I mean the generic painful pavement that causes many injuries.