Friday, May 14, 2010

Do I need to know you’re getting your haircut?

I don’t understand why people find it necessary to announce where they are all the time. Are we that narcissistic that we think everyone (anyone) wants to know?

I think Foursquare, Gowalla and the ilk are a waste of time. The people who need to know where I’m at can call me or they already have the information.

I especially don’t like the people that auto-tweet their locations. I really couldn’t care less where you are.

I also find it amusing that while people like to hide on the web (think anonymous blog comments, posts, etc.) they are willing to broadcast their location on other platforms. I shake my head.

Bottom line, I don’t care if you’re at Starbucks or are the mayor of Thriftway, so quit tweeting about it. Really.

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