Friday, January 16, 2009

Why did I start this blog?

Simple answer - see subhead to blog title. I always have thoughts screaming around in my head and I finally succumbed to the idea of sharing them with others. This may or may not be a successful experiment, but I'll give it a whirl.

I also started it because I'm getting behind in emails and people seem to want to know the same thing - what have I been up to. And I usually give a lame answer because I don't think I've done anything. UNTIL I really start to talk and then I realize I have been doing stuff. Now, it may not be interesting stuff and it probably isn't going to change the world, but it is what I've done. I think I'll probably have to do some historical posts - catch everyone up, so to speak. So, as they say, stay tuned to see what this develops into.


1 comment:

Deb said...

Welcome to blogland.

I *really* like the name of your site. Happy birthday, and may blogging not be a black hole for your to drop into to!