Wednesday, December 30, 2009

29 and counting

To 30! I am very proud of myself for sticking with this 30-day blogging challenge. I have wanted to let it go a couple of times, especially at the beginning, but I'm glad I forged ahead and met the challenge.

What I have learned is that 300 words is not a lot of words and is very doable. Finding a topic is the hard part. I know what I need to work on to make posts more interesting and I know that if I want to continue I will need to find a couple of consistent topics to cover. That is the new challenge I face and I have to decide how I will accomplish it.

And only 27 more shopping days.

The snow is slowly melting, but NOT FAST ENOUGH! It's pretty for about the first 1/2 hour and then I'm over it. I did take some photos last night of our tree in the backyard but I haven't downloaded them yet. I was too lazy to do it last night.

We did not go for a walk this morning because of the snow. I wasn't sure how slippery it would be and I really don't want to fall - I have two marathons to do in 2010 so I can't risk injury!

The dog is on the couch. I turned around to look at him and he had his chin on the tv tray. I knew if I got up to get my camera he would move so I tried to take a photo of him with the webcam. But sure as shootin', he moved as soon as I pushed the button to take the photo. How did he know I wanted to get a cute photo of him? All I did was turn around to look at him. He usually doesn't stay still long enough for a photo so I thought I would have a good chance this time. Foiled again.

Off to watch the snow melt and take the Christmas tree out. The house is almost back to normal, whatever normal is!

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