Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I may be crazy

Uh oh! I'm baaacckk! I have decided to take the 30 day blogging challenge (http://jumping-duck.com/2009/11/30-days-of-blogging/). This could be very interesting.

Each day for the month of December I have committed to writing at least a 300-word post. While 300 words doesn't seem like a lot, when one hasn't been blogging since April, it's a huge challenge. Why, right now, I only have 62 words down.

The thing is, I always have ideas for posts swimming around in my head. The problem is getting them out of there and onto virtual paper. I am hoping that taking this challenge will instill in me the discipline necessary to become a successful blogger. I’m actually quite excited about this. Please enjoy the ride with me!

Today is World’s AIDS day. I remember back in ’85 a friend of my roommate was doing a survey (I don’t remember for whom or why or who was tabulating the results) about AIDS/HIV and what I thought it was, how people contracted it, how many would contract it and when a cure would be found.

Of course, I don’t remember my exact responses, only that I was so very wrong in my predictions of how many would get it, how fast, and how long it would take to find a cure. I really believed it would not spread like it has and a cure would be found in short order.

Now, more than 33 million people have HIV/AIDS with 22 million of those in Africa. And 2 million are children under the age of 15. Sobering, staggering numbers.

So, what do I do? I can help raise awareness. This disease is not going away and we need to continue to be vigilant about it. I need to make sure my children understand about it and know how to protect themselves. I will buy (Red) when I can – I already have a (red) iPod.

If each of us just takes one small action, we can make a difference. What will you do?

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