Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day After

I took an unplanned day off from blogging yesterday. I really wanted to have the 31st as my day off, but I guess that is not to be.

Had a lovely day with my girls. Day started with a nice walk with friends. Marcia's birthday was yesterday so she decided the route. We started at Pittock Mansion and went down through Forest Park on the Wildwood trail to Hoyt Arboretum and back up (yes, for those of you who are familiar, we did have to take a couple of different trails to get to the Arboretum but I don't remember the names).

It was a beautiful, cold, clear day. We remarked on how peaceful it was on the trail and how much better we liked the weather this year compared to last. The dogs got a good walk, too.

Once I got home we opened our gifts. I got the girls a Wii (really it's a family gift) and my dad and stepmom got them the Wii Fit Plus. They wasted no time setting it up. I let Claire do it all and she did a fine job.

We saw 'Sherlock Holmes' at 1. The theater was packed. I'm glad we got there a little early, even if we did have to sit through all those endless ads and previews. I enjoyed the movie. It's not the Basil Rathbone version but I found it entertaining and I never got bored. Yes, some of the 'action' scenes went on too long and were very improbable, but I expected some of that. And Robert Downey, Jr. was his usual stellar self. He is such a good actor and I'm so happy he seems to have gotten his life in order.

I cooked a turkey after we got home. I brined it first, using a recipe my friend gave me. This is the 2nd time I've used the brine and I am sold on it. The bird turned out moist and very flavorful. I'll make soup from the carcass tomorrow - I think it will be very good.

After we ate and I got the kitchen cleaned up I was exhausted! I didn't expect to be so tired at 8 o'clock. The girls were still playing Wii when I went to bed. I don't know how long they were up but I think it's a hit.

Off to do chores now. Happy Boxing Day!

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