Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Well, time got away from me today. I'm posting but I'm not sure I'll make the 300 word minimum for the 30-day challenge. But I'm ok with that - I'm still writing something and that's what counts for me.

I watched "Men of a Certain Age" last night. Not sure how I feel about it. A little disappointed, I guess. I thought it would have more humor in it that it did based on the commercials. And if this is how middle-aged men really think and behave, I'm pretty happy to be single! If I remember, I'll watch it again next week. Maybe it will get better as more episodes are done.

More holiday baking tonight. Cranberry bread (1 loaf came out great, the other didn't want to leave the confines of its warm little pan so I'll be eating that one) and pumpkin cookies are done. Chocolate mint cookie dough is in the fridge getting ready for baking in a couple of days. Lemon cakes will be done this weekend along with one or two more cookies and then the season is over.

It is very cold here in Portland. I don't know if it made it to freezing today. That is unusual for us but it's been clear so no snow. That is a very good thing. Unfortunately, my furnace has been making strange noises as it comes on. It sounds like it's having a hard time getting started but it does come on and there is heat. A 'furnace guy' is coming to look at it tomorrow. They were fully booked today with people that didn't have heat. I just don't want to become one of those tomorrow!

Ok, I'm about to fall asleep. I've blogged eight days now. It really isn't that hard. Maybe one day people will really read it but right now, I'm happy to be developing the habit. Good night!

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