Sunday, December 13, 2009

Odd 'n' Ends

Sunday evening. Appears that the bad weather we were supposed to have just passed us by or fizzled out. There was ice on the deck this morning but it didn't last long. Although the dog was very careful every time he went out - guess he actually learned from his first experience of slipping on it this morning.

I love watching football on Sunday but I feel guilty for just sitting there. Today, I made a baby afghan. That makes three that I now have 'in stock.'  I'm ready should anyone I know have a baby!

Does anyone understand those weird Levi's ads? I find them very disturbing and I am not compelled to go to the website to find out what the heck they are about. They really creep me out! They certainly do not make me want to purchase Levi jeans.

Speaking of jeans, I saw a small article in The Oregonian yesterday about a new fashion trend - jeggings. Apparently they are a hot new trend (although this post was from April of this year) but I can't say that I've seen anyone wearing them. I think they are awful. The problem is that too many women would not wear them with a long shirt/jacket and too much would be visible. Women are often not the best judges of what looks good on them...

Pretty much finished up my holiday baking this weekend. I need to make more lemon bread since one loaf did not want to come out of it's pan.

I made latkes this morning. They were actually pretty easy and they were very tasty. Marie liked them, Claire did not. I just say that means more for me!

I finished 'That Old Cape Magic' by Richard Russo yesterday. It was a bit of a departure from his usual fare, but I really enjoyed it. One of the funniest scenes I've ever read was his description of how Jack (the main character) acts after getting punched in the face and knocked unconscious. You know exactly how he is feeling. I would recommend it.

Time for bed - I am very sleepy all of the sudden. I hope the temperatures will be above freezing tomorrow morning for our morning walk!

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